Ranunculus Corallo Salmone
Italian ranunculus - Stunning rich coral - salmon coloured blooms
Ranunculus asiaticus
20 Seeds
How to make these beauties grow
Sow: January - April
How: Surface sow and cover lightly
Space: 15-20 cm
Height: 20-50cm
Where: Full sun to partial shade - can handle shade very well, and those planted in areas that are shaded in the afternoon will flower a lot longer than those in full sun (these are a cool flower similar to ranunculus). Planting in shade will also help elongate the stems.
Days to Maturity: 180-200 days
Pick: At the marshmallow stage (when the bud is in full colour and its squishy when you squeeze it). Expect 10-14 days vase life.
Notes From The Garden
Easy to grow from seed, just a little slow. These take 2-3 weeks to germinate and are seemingly slow growing initially. However, without fail they will produce flowers within 6 months of being grown from seed. Prefers cooler temps to germinate - however they will still germinate in warm temps, just a little more sporadically and the strike rate maybe a bit lower.
The stem length is amazing and equal to that of corm grown plants. The plants will also produce a corm in the 1st year which can be harvest and stored at the end of the flowering season. Or left in the garden and they will re-grow again from corms the following season.
Powdery Mildew is a real pest on ranunculus and something to keep an eye out for and deal with swiftly at the 1st signs. Aphids also find ranunculus delicious - so deal with according to your own preferred pest control methods.